Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Map of Natural Radioactivity
Many people do not realize that radioactivity occurs naturally on Earth. In fact, it is actually quite common and can be found virtually all around us in the rocks, soil and air. Natural radioactivity maps may look quite similar to normal geologic maps. Different types of rocks have specific levels of uranium and radon, so scientists often have a good idea of the levels based on geologic mapsà alone.à In general, a higher altitude means a higher level of natural radiation from cosmic rays. Cosmic radiation occurs from the suns solar flares, as well as subatomic particles from outer space. These particles react with elements in the Earths atmosphere as they come into contact with it. When you fly in an airplane, you actually experience significantly higher levels of cosmic radiation than from being on the ground.à People experience different levels of natural radioactivity based on their geographic locale. The geography and topography of the United States is very diverse, and as you may expect, levels of natural radioactivity differ from region to region. While this terrestrial radiation should not concern you too much, it is good to be aware of its concentration in your area.à The featured map was derived from radioactivity measurements using sensitive instruments. The following explanatory text from the US Geological Surveyà highlights a few of the areas on this map that show especially high or low levels of uranium concentration. Radioactive Areas of Note Great Salt Lake: Water absorbs gamma rays so it shows as no data area on the map.Nebraska Sand Hills: Wind has separated the lighter quartz from the clay and heavier minerals that usually contain uranium.The Black Hills: A core of granites and metamorphic rocks high in radioactivity is surrounded by less radioactive sedimentary rocks and gives a distinctive pattern.Pleistocene glacial deposits: The area has low surface radioactivity, but uranium occurs just below the surface. Thus it has a high radon potential.Deposits of glacial Lake Agassiz: Clay and silt from a prehistoric glacial lake have higher radioactivity than glacial drift surrounding it.Ohio Shale: Uranium-bearing black shale with a narrow outcrop zone was scooped up and spread over a large area in west-central Ohio by glaciers.Reading Prong: Uranium-rich metamorphic rocks and numerous fault zones produce high radon in indoor air and in ground water.Appalachian Mountains: Granites contain elevated uranium, particularly in fault zones. Black shales and soils above limestone also contain moderate to high levels of uranium.Chattanooga and New Albany Shales: Uranium-bearing black shales in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana have a distinctive outcrop pattern clearly defined by radioactivity.Outer Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain: This area of unconsolidated sands, silts, and clays has one of the lowest radon potentials in the United States.Phosphatic rocks, Florida: These rocks are high in phosphate and associated uranium.Inner Gulf Coastal Plain: This area of the Inner Coastal Plain has sands containing glauconite, a mineral high in uranium.Rocky Mountains: Granites and metamorphic rocks in these ranges contain more uranium than sedimentary rocks to the east, resulting in high radon in indoor air and in ground water.Basin and Range: Granitic and volcanic rocks in the ranges, alternating with basins filled with alluvium shed from the ranges, give this area a generally high radioactivity.Sierra Nevada: Granites c ontaining high uranium, particularly in east-central California, show as red areas.Northwest Pacific Coastal Mountains and Columbia Plateau: This area of volcanic basalts is low in uranium. Edited by Brooks Mitchell
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
College Education Is The Question - 803 Words
To Go To College Or Not To Go To College That Is The Question One of the questions that plague many high school seniors is do I go to college or do I find a min wage job? I for one was one of the latter seniors I thought I donââ¬â¢t need a college education I will be fine making min wage, now 20 years later here I am learning that a college education does make a difference. Even though I have not yet completed my degree I can already tell you how much difference a college education has made in my way of thinking just during two semesters. Have you ever watched a movie and thought how lucky some of those actors are because they never have to go to college? What if I told you that you were wrong, a lot of actors and athletes have a college education, and some even went to school after they became famous. Several of Hollywoodââ¬â¢s elite actors and actresses understand the importance of higher education. Natalie Portman majored in psychology from Harvard and graduated in 2003 afte r she was already famous. Dakota Fanning is currently studying at NYU years after she first hit the big screen. After completed the movie series Harry Potter, Emma Watson graduated last year from Brown University and Oxford. The one actor who stands out the most to me is James Franco, he not only went to college he graduated from UCLA in 2008, Columbia in 2010, and is currently enrolled at Yale, while teaching writing classes at UCLA and NYU (Lai). We never realize how lucky we are to be able to have aShow MoreRelatedIs College Education Worth The Cost For Students?1385 Words à |à 6 PagesThe value of a college education is a topic that strikes debates across the nation. People wonder if the debt and time will be worth in helping them obtain a career to pay off the debt and generate a larger income for themselves than if they did not have a four-plus year college degree. My whole life, I have always valued a college education. At the same time, I know that the higher education is not as important to others. I never understood why someone does not want to obtain a college degree, butRead MoreCollege For All : Gaps Between Desirable And Actual P 12 Math Achievement Trajectories For College Readiness835 Words à |à 4 PagesEducation Research Article Classification Cara Beaty Article: College for All: Gaps Between Desirable and Actual P-12 Math Achievement Trajectories for College Readiness, by Jaekyung Lee, from Educational Researcher Volume 41, Number 2, March 2012 Classification: Question: Is the article or report empirical research? Yes, because empirical research as define from McMillan, relies on data that is tangible. We know this report to be empirical or tangible because the models came from nationallyRead MoreCharacteristics Of First Generation Students885 Words à |à 4 PagesThat this the question that we seek for students at our local community college Lewis and Clark Community College. We sought out Lewis and Clark Community College student to survey to answer if our hypothesis was correct; A parent educational level has an impact on their children s choice to attend college and what level of college, they hope to achieve. Do our parents choice of not attending college affect if students will attend college? Do students choose to attend community college to get a startRead MoreTo Go To College, Or Not Go To College. This Is A Question1314 Words à |à 6 PagesTo go to college, or not go to college. This is a question that has gone through the minds of almost every American, especially within the past twenty years. In Charles Murrayââ¬â¢s essay, ââ¬Å"Are Too Many People Going to College?â⬠he explains that college is not worth the time or effort unless a lucrative career choice is being pursued. On the opposing side Sanford J. Ungarââ¬â¢s essay, ââ¬Å"The New Liberal Arts,â⬠gives evidence towards why more people need to receive a liberal education at the college level becauseRead MoreIs College Worth The Cost?1296 Words à |à 6 PagesIntroduction: The U.S. is home to some of the greatest colleges and universities in the world. But with an overwhelming 1.3 million students graduating with an average student loan debt of $29,000 each and with youth unemployment elevated, the question of whether or not college tuition is worth the money arises (The Institute for College Access Success, 2013). Higher education faces intimidating challenges: continually rising costs, access and completion problems, constant changing of technologyRead MoreIs College A Lousy Investment? Essay1507 Words à |à 7 Pages The debate on whether or not students should attend college after achieving a high school degree is one that many would like to consider two-sided; Debra Humphreys says that ââ¬Å"going to college is clearly better than not going,â⬠but Claire Potter mentions the opposite side, quoting an unnamed professor who says that ââ¬Å"the vast majority of people who end up in our community college system donââ¬â¢t belong in colleg e at all.â⬠I would argue that the issue is not two-sided, and that there are more complexitiesRead MoreShould Colleges Be Free? Essay1186 Words à |à 5 PagesShould colleges be free in America? It is a question that is more relevant today than ever before. As education is one key factor that determines the nationââ¬â¢s fate going forward, this question is worth debating. Making free college education may sound good theoretically but requires herculean efforts to make it practically possible. The main question is whether such program be effective in the long run or not? If, yes how long will the government able to support these costs and from where? Are tuitionRead MoreA Student Should Get A Good Scholarship Or College Enrollment1110 Words à |à 5 Pagesor go to college. Unfortunately, this is exactly what has happened to American society; the colleges of the United States care more about a single test score than how intelligent a person really is. This makes it to wher e only those with money can truly do well with national tests, the tests can increase racial divide, all the while, saying those with ââ¬Å"low test scoresâ⬠do poorly on the SAT and/or ACT. Tests should not be the determining factor in if someone should continue their education or if theyRead MoreThe Value Of A College Education928 Words à |à 4 PagesI will discuss what the value of a college education means to me. A higher education will give me many physical benefits such as economic stability, a better quality of life for my family, more career choices, better job security, set a good example for my children at the same time, a college education will also give me many intangible benefits such as boosting my self-confidence, helping me to learn specialized knowledge, thinking critically, bringing me in contact with different people, learningRead MoreGraduation Speech Over College Education Essay1686 Words à |à 7 PagesOver the years, there has been a great deal of deb ate over college education and itââ¬â¢s worth to society and the students who is currently contemplating where they should go or not. In addition, the question of cost, and just how expensive college has become over the last decade has come to attention. It is clear that Americans and important figureheads have argued over whether the benefits of attending college outweigh the benefits of just high school diploma or another type of post-secondary schooling
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Is The Gender Pay Gap - 1880 Words
Seventy-seven cents to the dollar. A simple phrase used to describe the gender pay gap. Most people who use this phrase in casual conversation do not really know what this entails. It is much more than men earning more than women. The significance of this pay discrepancy becomes much more apparent when looking at the bigger picture. Over an entire lifetime of working, a woman making only 77 cents to the male dollar loses a total of $1.2 million dollars over the course of her working life (Murphy Graff, 2005). A risk of poverty for women living with a pay gap is high. According to the European Commission, the at-risk-of-poverty rate is around 22 percent for women, compared to the 16 percent of men. So why is the gender payâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The National Bureau of Economic Research points to labor market discrimination and overall trends in wage structure to explain why the wage gap exists. Discrimination in the labor market may lower womenââ¬â¢s incentives to invest in their qualifications. The second factor of trends in wage structure refers to the terms the market sets for various skills or for employment in particular occupations or industries (Blau Kahn, 2001). Other factors contributing to the wage gap have since been considerably ameliorated, factors including gender gaps in education, skills, experience, as well as occupational segregation and career breaks (Kulow, 2013). According to Adam Smithââ¬â¢s The Wealth of Nations from the stimulus material, ââ¬Å"The wages of labor in different employments vary according to the probability or improbability of success in them.â⬠He then brings up an example of how mechanic jobs, such as carpentry and masonry, have almost certain success, meanwhile, success is very uncertain in the liberal professions. In a study done by the United States Department of Labor, the most common jobs for women consist of education administrators, teacher assistants, social workers, and secretaries- all the ââ¬Å"liberalâ⬠professions. For men, their most common jobs include managers, carpenters, and laborers. The data, supported by Smithââ¬â¢s findings, prove that men do earn more than women, creating a gap in wages. Although the Equal Pay Act in 1963Show MoreRelatedGender Gap In Pay1574 Words à |à 7 PagesIntroduction Gender Pay Gap also referred to as Gender wage gap, gender income difference or male-female income difference refers to the difference between the earning of men and women (Victoria, 2006). The European Union defines the Gender Pay gap as the difference between men and womenââ¬â¢s hourly earnings (OECD, 2012). The difference may be measured on hourly, weekly, monthly, or yearly earning. The difference is expressed as a percentage of the menââ¬â¢s earning. However, the difference varies fromRead MoreThe Gender Pay Gap1639 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Gender Pay Gap PROBLEM Introduction The pay gap between men and women has fallen quite dramatically over the past 30 years though a sizeable gap still remains, but this headline figure masks some less positive developments in recent years. We are used to each generation of women making progress relative to the one before, but this process has slowed slightly with the better than the previous one(Centre Piece Summer 2006). The gender pay gap measures the earning differences betweenRead MoreThe And Gender Pay Gap932 Words à |à 4 Pagesarrangements. Feminism has been one of the successful social movements, and has promoted alternative types of the American family. The movement has different priorities in each society, and in the United States one of the issues is the ââ¬Å"gender pay gapâ⬠. Gender pay gap is defined as the average difference between menââ¬â¢s and womenââ¬â¢s aggregate hourly earnings (European Commission, 2014). According to the U.S. Department of Labor, in 2014 the median weekly earnings for workers with at least a bachelorââ¬â¢sRead MoreGender And Gender Pay Gap1173 Words à |à 5 Pages Gender pay gaps have been a hot topic over the last several years. In my findings, I found three articles that stood out the most to me, as well as some statistical information. Gender pay gap is an interesting subject because it happens all across the United States, as well as in o ther countries worldwide. This pay gap can affect women of all ages, race, religion and educational levels. What is gender pay gap? The gender pay gap is defined as the difference between women and menââ¬â¢s full time averageRead MoreGender Pay Gap2020 Words à |à 8 PagesGender Pay Gap The economic issue with the gender pay gap has been a concern for quite some time. Many people say that men are paid more money, or have higher salaries than women; however, there are also people who believe otherwise. Some argue that maternity leave or education level is a reason why women seem to be paid less than men, and others argue that there is a bigger issue such as race and age. The following information will address both viewpoints on the gender pay gap and its issues withinRead MoreGender Pay Gap14271 Words à |à 58 Pages* Short Features * Maps/Graphs * Bibliography * The Next Step * Contacts * Footnotes * About the Author * * Comments | Gender Pay Gap | Are women paid fairly in the workplace? | March 14, 2008 â⬠¢ Volume 18, Issue 11 | By Thomas J. Billitteri Introduction Former Goodyear manager Lilly Ledbetter won more than $3 million in a pay-discrimination suit against the tire firm, but the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the verdict in 2007 for filing her complaint too late. (AFP/GettyRead MoreWhy The Gender Pay Gap Essay1692 Words à |à 7 PagesVincent (2013) provides a quantitative and qualitative analysis on why the gender pay gap exists in Canada by researching, studying, analyzing, and interpreting over 39 different sources of Canadian micro data and finds that the gender pay gap has decreased over the years but still persists even in younger generations, less than a third of the pay gap can be explained through females over-occupying lower sector jobs, women placing a larger emphasize on non- monetary related aspects of a jobRead MoreGender Equality And The Pay Gap895 Words à |à 4 Pages The gender pay gap has always been an issue concerning the work force and those apart of it. Men have always made more money than women no matter the occupation, and pay discrimination needs to be stopped. It s even been documented that women are more active and educated in labor force but still receive 78 cents for every dollar a man makes. The pay gap is affecting all women and impacting those of all races, ethnic groups, ages, education levels, and is a problem in every state. A change needsRead MoreGender Inequality : Gender Pay Gap975 Words à |à 4 PagesThe gender pay gap in Hollywood The gender pay gap is the difference in pay earned by men and the pay earned by women.( Pay Equity Commission, 2012). There are various ways in measuring the pay gap between genders, such as full- time or full- year wage. Statistics Canada data ( 2012) displayed that the gender pay gap in Ontario was 26% for full- time and full- year employments, which means for every C$1 earned by a man, a woman earned 74 cents( Pay Equity Commission,2012).The pay gap has been narrowingRead MoreGender Inequality And Gender Pay Gap1543 Words à |à 7 Pagesthe gender pay gap in the UK. These theories are taste discrimination, statistical discrimination, human capital and occupational segregation. Other research and data are included in this essay as evidence to support the different theories. The four theories covered in this essay all provide some explanation for the gender pay gap in the UK, some more than others ââ¬â statistical discrimination theory having the highest explanatory power for t he magnitude of this pay gap. The gender pay gap can be
Essay about Religion Purification in Taxi Driver
Hes a profit and a pusher. Partly truth partly fiction. A walking contradiction. - Kris Kirstofferson In Martin Scorceses Taxi Driver, Travis Bickle repeatedly expresses two ideas that are central to the film. First, Travis has an undying wish to purify the world. He wants to rid his city of all the evil and scum that currently inhabits the citys cold and damp streets. Second, is the method by which Travis tries to obtain his goals. Travis Bickle tries to clean up his city by methods similar to those of religious figures. He even takes on a role as a savior figure. Travis Bickles quest to save the world via religious ideas fails, and instead results is a bloodbath. The first place where we are introduced to theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Much like Noah, he believes that he will be saved, while everyone else in the world perishes from the torrents of water. Later in the film, Travis feels compelled to take action against this sleaze. He wants to help purify the world by eliminating the sleaze by whatever methods he deems appropriate. Even if this means killing his fellow man, then so be it. Another instance where we see Travis revert to this theme of purifier is when he first meets Betsy. The childish scrawl in his diary tells the story. I first saw her at Palantine headquarters at 63rd and Broadway. She was wearing a white dress. She appeared like an angle. Out of this filthy mass. She is alone. They cannot touch her. In these few choice words, Travis Bickle again reemphasis the recurring religious references. In this specific instance, Traviss first words about his new love interest are, She was wearing a white dress. White is traditionally a color used to represent purity. In Traviss eyes, Betsy is the virginal ideal that he must strive to obtain. To him she is his perfect match. Possibly the most important aspect of this quotation is the religious references that it conjures up. Travis refers to Betsy as an angel; she is one of the few people who does not sink down into the muck that covers the city. Another interesting aspect of thisShow MoreRelatedArab Culture - Essay6842 Words à |à 28 PagesSomalia, Djibouti, and the Comoros Islands which are part of the Arab world. â⬠¢ It can also be defined as those countries where Arabic is the dominant language. â⬠¢ Arab countries are religiously and ethnically diverse with Islam being the dominant religion in most countries. â⬠¢ 22 Arab countries/areas: Algeria, Bahrain, the Comoros Islands, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab EmiratesRead MoreManagement Course: MbaâËâ10 General Management215330 Words à |à 862 Pagesit confronts the more durable and surviving dot-com businesses with equally basic issues of innovation in regard to making their fiscal discipline as focused as their market development. Productivity, which has always been recognized as a primary driver of prosperity and profitability, has been widely emphasized as a continuing key to this economic strength. It has been discussed quite properly in terms of the rapid growth of technology, particularly information technology. However, in these times
Blancheââ¬â¢s Death Speech Essay Sample free essay sample
Blancheââ¬â¢s decease address plays a critical function in the development of the drama ââ¬Å"A Streetcar named Desireâ⬠. In the soliloquy the tenseness between Blanche and Stella comes to a zenith as Blanch explodes with fury as she expresses her jealousy-driven feelings to Stella. In making so Blanche reveals much more. including her unstable mental province. her emotional reaction to the doomed of Belle Reve. and most significantly her preoccupation with the subject of decease. One of the functions of this extract is to supply the background towards understanding Blanche. and the justifications for her mental province and actions. It is apparent that in the past she belonged to a higher category where extravagancy was common. But when her household in Belle Reve bit by bit died off. non merely did she hold to see the hurting of losing her loved 1s. but she was besides left with no money or fiscal assistance to maintain the estate and finally was forced to allow it travel. We will write a custom essay sample on Blancheââ¬â¢s Death Speech Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Blanche defends herself by figuratively stating that the inexorable harvester put up his collapsible shelter right on her doorsill and that is how ââ¬Å"it slipped through my ( Blancheââ¬â¢s ) fingersâ⬠. She even goes on to impeach Stella of covering with the crisis by ââ¬Å"ignoringâ⬠it and traveling on. hence go forthing Blanche to cover with an intolerable load. This is most obvious when she rhetorically asks Stella. ââ¬Å"I allow the topographic point travel? â⬠This quotation mark aids in taking the audience to comprehend that it was Stella that let the estate travel by non seeking to assist the state of affairs. To stress her point Blanche brings up the sarcasm of her being ââ¬Å"at the bed when they ( her household ) cried out hold meâ⬠while reprobating Stella for being ââ¬Å"In bed with your ( Stella ) ââ¬â Polak. â⬠During the address there are legion indicants that prove Blanche was profoundly hurt by her experience at Belle Reve. First. the apparently unneeded long account in itself demonstrates the importance of Belle Reve to Blanche. Second. the defeat and choler she expresses with Stella high spots the importance of their place to her. Throughout the piece Blanche repeats words and phrases many times underscoring her rage. For illustration. at the get downing she says. ââ¬Å"I. I. Iâ⬠. in the in-between she utters ââ¬Å"I proverb. Proverb! Proverb! â⬠and in the terminal cries ââ¬Å"I allow the topographic point go! . I let the topographic point travel? â⬠Third. it seems as if Blanche is impeaching Stella of faulting her for losing Belle Reve when in the book Stella merely asks about what happened. This becomes clear when Blanche reproaches Stella by stating her: ââ¬Å"And you sit there stating me with your eyes that I let the topographic point goâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Yes accuse me! Sit and stare at me believing I let the topographic point go! â⬠This kind of assumptive attitude and thought influences the reader to presume that Blanche is unable to allow travel. In add-on when Blanche says ââ¬Å"I took the blows in my face and bodyâ⬠¦Farther. Margret. Motherâ⬠¦had to be burnt like rubbishâ⬠she is besides straight conveying her torment. It is clear that Tennessee Williams carefully crafted this specific address to present the subject of decease. of which is recurrent in the class of the drama. He makes certain to depict the desolation of holding to cover with decease through Blanche. ââ¬Å"Funerals are quiet but deaths- non alwaysâ⬠. ââ¬Å"Sometimes they even cry out to you. ââ¬ËDonââ¬â¢t allow me goââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ . ââ¬Å"Unless you were at that place at the bed when they cried out ââ¬ËHold meââ¬â¢ you would neer surmise there was a battle for breath and breathingâ⬠. and ââ¬Å"Why the Grim Reaper set up his collapsible shelter on our doorstepâ⬠are some quotation marks that specifically and deeply associate to the topic of Death. After reading these quotation marks and cognizing that Tennessee Williams suffered from hypochondria ( a misanthropic fright of decease and diseases ) . one could decode that Blancheââ¬â¢s mentality in this instance is about an emulation of the dramatist himself. Due to the construction of the address one could deduce that the organic structure linguistic communication of Blanche goes from heartache to anger to resentment and once and for all to gross out as she ends with that derogatory word ââ¬â ââ¬Å"Polakâ⬠. As you can see Williams smartly structures this one address to portray and supply tonss of valuable information about Blancheââ¬â¢s current province and past life ; this in bend foreshadows her inner and external struggles as the book progresses.
Paradise Essay Example For Students
Paradise Essay The Nobel Prize for Literature winner, Toni Morrison, is hailed as the lastclassic American writer , a major figure of national literature , and simply thebest writer in America. Morrison is at her complex and commanding best inthis mysterious tale, as she presents a unique perspective on American historyand leaves her dazzled readers shaking their heads over all that is perpetuallyinexplicable between men and women, rich and poor the tyrannical and freespirited. The statements above are merely personal opinions and have yet tobe proven true. After reading Toni Morrisons Paradise, I came to theconclusion that these remarks are over exaggerated. This is based on my opinionthat Paradise is not the writings of a Nobel Prize award winner and should notbe considered one of her best works. After all of the vivid descriptions of herwork, I can say that I was fairly disappointed. Paradise was the first and thelast of Toni Morrisons novels that I will read. After doing research intoothers an alysis of the novel, I realized that I was not alone in my judgmentof Paradise. I find myself troubled by this novel and how difficult it is tofollow. I dont mind reading slowly, in fact, I have no objection to taking mytime with anything; however, this is simply trying my patience. I wanted to keepgoing because I had invested so much of my time into reading the novel, but Ifind myself making excuses for not reading it. I wish Ms. Morrison had thoughtabout the impact of making the reading so challenging and had eased up on usjust a little bit. I am worn out from focusing on every word, but if I dont,then from one sentence to the next, I lose sight of a character, and then I amlost too! I just hope I can hang on long enough to get to the finish line,where, I know I will have to start all over again! I think this is theuniversal thought that goes through most minds after attempting to readParadise. I am not saying that the whole novel was awful because it was not. Ithought the theme o f the novel was incorporated well through out the novel. Theproblems were with the organization of the story line, and the development ofthe characters. The opening sentences of Paradise were attention grabbers. They shoot the white girl first. With the rest they can take there time. Noneed to hurry out here. They are seventeen miles between it and any other. Hiding places will be plentiful in the Convent, but there time and the day hasjust begun. The opening chapter is basically the climax of the plot. That is,a group of former law abiding male citizens attacks a group of unarmed women. This is what makes the story line confusing. That is, the beginning of the novelis the ending. Now the opening scene was good; but, instead of continuing fromthere, the story skips to the abandonment of Haven and the founding of Ruby. Theproblem was Ms. Morrison choose to tell the story in flashbacks. The story keptgoing back and forth in time and in different characters point of views. This ishow the story began to lose me. Paradise focuses on the all black town ruraltown of Ruby and the families who reside there. There were nine originalfamilies who founded the town. They are the Morgan, Blackhorse, Poole,Fleetwood, Beauchamp, Flood, Cato, and the two DuPres families. The descendantsof the nine original families create a version of paradise, hence the title ofthe book. The nine original families encouraged marrying among themselves topreserve the 8-rock blood. The 8-rocks were the pure blacks who did not have onedrop of white blood. These were the families with the dominance in Rub y. TheMorgans financed the founding of the town, owned the town bank and most ofthe land. Because of this, they felt they were the most influential and powerfulpeople in town. The families were tight knit and did not react well tooutsiders. The other characters are the women of the Convent, a former Catholicfoster outside of Ruby that has become a refuge for five women seeking an escapefrom the despair, abuse and emptiness of their lives. They are Consoleta(Connie), Mavis, Grace (Gigi), Seneca, and Pallas. I thought these characterswere underdeveloped. As soon as
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